BEATCH files can be found at additional information can be found in ~gatignon (elements classification etc.) Naming Conventions for Beam Line Elements
The geometry of the beam lines is described using the BEATCH files. In the input BEATCH deck (see example below), each element is described by: its name type, size along the beam line, angle, rotation, and finally some comment. The conventions used for naming the beam elements are described here. Each element has a name whose generic format is: AAAABBBNNN · AAAA is a four-letter code name, (Table 1) · BBB is a three-digit number that identifies the beam line or section (Figure 1) · NNN is a three-digit number that indicates the position of the element in the beam line. The guidelines for determining that number are summarized bellow: 1. For elements that have a length of more than a meter (i.e. magnets, collimators, dumps, etc.), the middle position is taken as a reference, rounded to the nearest integer. 2. For the rest of the elements, their actual position rounded to the nearest integer is used. 3. Special cases: a. XCET counter, where the position of the head is used as reference b. Different elements that are mounted on the same support can use the same number. For example XTRI+XWCA c. Elements of same type or elements that are thin and very close, take consecutive numbers as IDs. (i.e. FISCs, XTRI+XEMC, etc.)
Table 1 Examples of element ID names.
Figure 1 Synoptic diagram indicating the beam line (or section) IDs. BEATCH files can be found at comments on H2: files currently modified in ~afabich. H2beamopt created in order to accomplish for the needs of beamopt.exe (magnet and drift upstream of T2 removed, magnets and dumps at end of beamline modified). Experimental magnets introduced in transin/h2fmode. comments on H4: all files are updated and copied to ~eagroup/database |