
General information about Treshold-Cherenkovs and their performance is provided by AB/BDI.

H8 (2003-): Overall we have two Cherenkovs in three different positions in H8. One upstream of NA45/PPE134, which is called XCET042474 - CHRV1. The other one is just upstream of the last bend B9 of the VLE beam, which is either placed on the straight beam line in case of higher momenta >10 GeV/c (XCET042534), or placed on the deviated path in VLE mode (XCET042533), in both cases called CHRV2. All Cherenkovs are filled with Helium, with a maximum pressure of 3 bar. The length is 9m for CHRV1. CHRV2 has a length of 10m in HighEnergy position and 2m in the VLE position.

H2 (2004-): The newly installed Cherenkov is similar to the one of H8 VLE beam line.

The pressure is adjusted by the user and therefore the information is for sure given in the user's logbook!